Recipes - World's Best Scrambled Eggs


I adapted this recipe from a book called Sydney Food by Bill Grainger. Ever since tasting these eggs on my 1st visit
to Bill's restaurant in Kings Cross, Sydney, I have been after the recipe. I have since transformed it into what I really believe
are the best scrambled eggs I have ever tasted.

This recipe is what I call a very special breakfast; just look at the ingredients to see why. It has to be tasted to be believed.


The following ingredients make one serving:


  1. Whisk eggs, cream, and salt in a bowl.
  2. Melt the butter in a non-stick pan over a high heat (taking care not to burn the butter)
  3. Pour egg mixture into pan and wait until it starts setting around the edge of the pan (around 20 seconds).
  4. Using a wooden spatula, bring the mixture into the center as if it were an omelet, and let it cook for another 20 seconds.
  5. Fold contents in again, leave for 20 seconds, and repeat until the eggs are only just done.
  6. Grind a light sprinkling of freshly milled pepper over the eggs and blend in some chopped fresh chives.

You should only make a maximum of two servings per frying pan.